List in python – Create list | Append list | Insert & Delete element in List | Slicing
List in python - Create list | Append list | Insert & Delete element in List | Slicing
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The list type is a container that holds a number of other objects, in a given order. The list type implements the sequence protocol, and also allows you to add and remove objects from the sequence.
Creating Lists
To create a list, put the number of expressions in square brackets:
L = []
L = [object, …]
The objects can be anything; you can assign all kinds of objects in lists, including other lists, or also multiple references to a single object.
You can also use the built-in list type object to create lists:
L = list() # empty list
L = list(sequence)
You can also use the built-in list type object to create lists:
L = list() # empty list
L = list(sequence)
The sequence can be any kind of sequence object or iterable, including tuples. If you pass in another list, the list function makes a copy. A list can contain mixed data types like integer, floats, strings etc.

Finding the Length of the List
List has len() method which returns the length of a list.

Add an Element to the End of the List – Append
To add an element at the end of list append() method is used.


As we can see string any is added at the end.
Insert an Element at a Particular Position in the List
Insert() method is used to add the element at any particular required position/index. Insert will take two arguments, the index and the element that needs to be added.


List in a List – Append vs Extend
In the above example we saw, append() method adds any element at the end of the list. If we use append() method to add another list within a list it will add it as it is at the end.


The extend() method is used to insert the individual elements of the list instead of list itself, however this method is used to add one list to another only.


Delete an Element in a List – del vs pop vs remove
To remove elements from a list we have three methods del, pop and remove. The del statement can be used to remove an individual item, or to remove all items identified by a slice. The pop method removes an individual item and returns it, while remove searches for an item, and removes the first matching item from the list.



The del statement and the pop method does pretty much the same thing, except that pop returns the removed item.
Membership of List – in and not in
We can check if an object is in a list or not using in and not in. This is a very useful method which is used extensively while writing loops etc.


Reversing a List – reverse
reverse() method reverses a list completely, meaning first element becomes last and last becomes first.



Sorting Lists
We can sort a list by ascending or descending order. There are two methods available for this.
The sort method sorts a list in place.
To get a sorted copy, use the built-in sorted function:
out = sorted(L)
An in-place sort is slightly more efficient, since Python does not have to allocate a new list to hold the result.
Accessing Items of a List
We can access any item of a list or number of items using indexing. Python list have indexes for all the items it contains. Index starts from 0 i.e the first element is at 0 index and not 1. Accessing elements in a list is called indexing. To access any element just pass the index of that element:



List Slicing
Accessing parts of segments is called slicing. Slicing is done using colon (:) symbol.
Start index : End Index. Value at start index is included but not the value at end index.


That’s all the basic on List. Go ahead and start working with python Lists.